Online shopping has become a huge part of our lives and will continue to remain so. There are various types of websites floating on the Internet nowadays, may it be blogging websites, business websites, educational institution websites, art exhibitions, ticket sales websites, etc. Among all the different types of websites, eCommerce is one of the most popular and commonly found.

There is a certain pattern to these eCommerce website designs so that the visitors and customers find it easy to navigate through. However, if you are planning to build or revamp your eCommerce website, here are a few practices you need to follow to improve its quality and appearance.

To build a website, first, choose the right Australian domain hosts, then select a web developer or website builder. However, following a few good web design practices and tips will benefit you a lot.

eCommerce Web Design: Best Practices 2024

● Search Engine-Optimised Content

The search engines have the power to determine the visibility of all the websites present on the World Wide Web. This is why most website owners concentrate on optimising their websites according to these search engines.

Researching the SEO, the necessary keyboards, and optimising a website is extremely important.

● Seamless & Coherent Navigation

The overall performance of your website melts down to the end-user experience. Providing a seamless navigation experience for your online store becomes paramount.

When a user visits your website for shopping, they must be welcomed with a pleasant and clear layout and interface in order to think coherently about the products they are shopping for.

● Crystal Clear Call-To-Actions

A good web design of an eCommerce website always includes clear CTAs. The commands present on the webpage that help the customer to communicate with the website are called CTAs. The most common CTAs are “Add To Cart”, “Make Payment”, “Go To The Previous Page”, etc. These commands should be clearly visible.

● Publish Good Customer Reviews

Publishing customer reviews about the products on the product page will give the visitors a better idea of how the previous customers feel about the product. It is a good practice to highlight good reviews on the website since it is a kind of marketing through word-of-mouth.

● Good Images And Videos

Using high-quality images and videos of your product is non-negotiable. High-quality images and video will help customers understand how the product looks, its usability in some cases, etc. It can thus help in making an informed decision.

● Curate Homepage With Precision

Having an attractive homepage will benefit you in more ways than one. The homepage is the first impression of your website, so ensure it becomes a lasting one! Always curate it with creativity, add your USPs on the homepage, add images of your best product on it, and use more such strategies.

● Simplified Checkout Options

A good website design for an eCommerce website is when the customer’s last step – “Check Out” option, is straightforward. If the checkout or payment procedure is complex, they are going to get annoyed. Hence, simplify the checkout process!

● Multiple Payment Options

Your payment gateway should provide different payment options. Now that there are various modes of payment like online banking, credit or debit cards, cash on delivery, etc., customers should be offered the liberty to choose.


Having a comprehensive outlook towards your eCommerce website is extremely useful. As an eCommerce website owner, you must keep observing various customer practices in order to make necessary changes to your website. This will increase the effectiveness and efficiency of your page.

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