
Using A Subliminal Message To Improve Your Life

Subliminal message is all about brain power, contrary to what people think the brain has the capability of doing a lot than what we already know. Telekinesis, tissue regeneration, and flight among other phenomenal wonders are some of the things the film industry, creative writers and comic experts have tried to come up with. Science has, however, gone another way on this concept. The fact is that there is no concrete evidence on the human brain doing all that. Generally, it is said that people use ten percent of their brain power; the question of the other ninety percent is …


How to Install Software in Linux – Using the Synaptic Package Manager

When you first start using a Linux desktop, installing software might seem like a foreign idea. In Windows you generally get an EXE file or a setup file that you click on then follow the steps until it’s installed. In Linux it works a bit differently because it is a different operating system.
Awhile ago you had to do something called compiling to get your Linux software to work. This is too complicated and pointless because it takes too much time and is really only for experts.
Now there is something called a Synaptic Package Manager that you can use …


Exciting News – Start Saving Money On Your Phone Bill By Using VoIP

Since the introduction of telegraph and phones lines in the 19th century voice communication between people separated by distances each and every day has become a necessity. When phones were first introduced you would call the exchange and ask for the number and the telephone operator would connect you. Then with further developments the phone exchange became automated and you dialled the number yourself and the connection went through. Even the styles of phones have had many changes over the century from a black box to the slim line cordless phone, from jiggling the lever, through to the round dial …
