
Using A Subliminal Message To Improve Your Life

Subliminal message is all about brain power, contrary to what people think the brain has the capability of doing a lot than what we already know. Telekinesis, tissue regeneration, and flight among other phenomenal wonders are some of the things the film industry, creative writers and comic experts have tried to come up with. Science has, however, gone another way on this concept. The fact is that there is no concrete evidence on the human brain doing all that. Generally, it is said that people use ten percent of their brain power; the question of the other ninety percent is …


Tips for Android UI Design to Improve Appearance of Your App

In recent years, many software professionals have changed their field and tried to get absorbed in the most rapidly growing field of Android application development to contribute in its success and to get some benefits from it. Developing applications in Android requires one to have strong market understanding and creative thinking. Most important thing in Android application development is design and presentation of the application you create.
It is very crucial to have the most appealing and attractive UI of your Android app. A better user interface of your Android app can offer high quality representation of your app, which …
