With the latest tech news today and introduction of any new technology, a number of things tend to go through my head. What are the benefits, will it be worthwhile upgrading my old kit and how expensive will it be?
Normally the answer to the last question is very expensive, as you pay a premium price for the latest technology. Many of us will sit on the fence waiting for others to try it out and then let us know whether it is all that or not.
A lot of the time I am a bit sceptical about all the claims that the creators will feed us and wonder what unknown problems or bugs are hiding around the corner to catch you out. Another reason I convince myself that it’s wise to hang back is whether this new technology will become the industry standard or just another lame duck. We’ve seen plenty of them in the past.
Now and again though a new technology will seem too good to be true but then delivers and strikes all the doubters dumb, me included. The Internet, mobile phones, USB, adsl and wifi are all great steps forward that I have witnessed over the years, all of them changing the way we work and play.
They play a routine role in many of our lives and to remove them now would cause more than just an inconvenience I’m sure. I know my children would be up in arms if I took away their access to the internet and mobile phone.
Software hasn’t been slow coming forward either, with the dreams of ten years ago now a reality. Both hardware and software have progressed together as the hunger for faster, quieter, cooler, environmentally friendlier technology evolves.
Many companies have profited from these new advances in technology and it’s been interesting to watch the power struggles unfold between them. Some so called heavyweights have all but disappeared, whereas new kids on the block like Google and Facebook are huge.
Then there are the big boys like Intel, Microsoft and Apple who have been around since the beginning. Still going strong and as energetic and ingenious when it comes to product developments and marketing as ever.
Intel and Apple are even working together in collaboration, recently releasing their new Thunderbolt technology. An exciting new, high-speed, dual-protocol I/O technology that boasts speeds of 10Gbps. In the future this will increase to 100Gbps via an optical medium.
It’s never easy predicting the future but for me one thing is for certain. That is when it comes to technology; it’s not going to be boring.
There’s more information about Thunderbolt at

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